Quotes about miniscule (12 Quotes)

    Chicago politicians are already denouncing the Bank of America pledge to fund Black history programs as miniscule. ... a poor showing for an institution of this magnitude.

    It was really majestic. The Queen Mary 2 ship is really amazing. I hadn't really appreciated the size until I saw her arrive. The other craft that were in the water were absolutely miniscule next to it.

    Divinity resides in Creation in all forms starting from being more miniscule than the atom to the most colossal ones. It pervades the entire Creation as the eternal witness.

    When companies put pink ribbons on their products, they're no longer just selling a sweater or a watch - they're selling the expectation that buying their product is going to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer, ... Pink Ribbon marketing efforts make a significant difference in corporate bottom lines. But the 'portion of the proceeds' that goes to breast cancer is all too often miniscule in comparison.

    Search for Common Ground has done some very interesting things. They've figured out that costs of mass media productions in third-world countries is miniscule, especially given the new technologies, compared to what you'd expect to spend to make it into the mass TV market in the United States.

    For the last 10 years, our company has been extremely focused on the safety aspects of work, and we had a real safety thrust that became the culture at Intel. As a result, we have a miniscule number of injuries. We need to take this to the next level.

    It proved to be pretty impossible to get funds for a feature film in Finland. It's still small, but the film industry was miniscule at that point in the early '80s.

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