Quotes about mischaracterized (5 Quotes)

    The statement attributed to Mr. Reiss has been mischaracterized as a threat, ... It was not. The statement was a figure of speech used in a voice mail message in a context of a longstanding business dispute over the merits of a deal to have the stock exchange go public.

    Everybody knows that Honeywell has exposure to the air transport industry. I think to some extent that gets mischaracterized because it is offset by defense and space, but the adjust to air traffic (after the attacks) is real.

    I think it's been mischaracterized all along. I think that over the last few years it's a situation were the Red Sox have wanted to pursue trade alternatives, just to kind of see what's out there. Manny has always been willing to participate in those kind of talks. He'd be willing to keep an open mind and cooperate if the Red Sox decide to have trade discussions with another team. But right now, the past is the past. As he said, he's focused on getting ready for the season.

    Regarding Ronald Reagan Liberals correctly perceive the Reagan record as their most dangerous enemy. Why Because what happened during the 1980s prosperity at home (the longest period of peacetime growth in this nation's history, strength abroad directly contradicts every liberal belief. Bill Clinton has confused many about the 1980s and the Reagan legacy. His patently false mantra states, 'The rich got richer, the poor got poorer. The rich didn't pay their fair share, etc.' The 1980s have been intentionally mischaracterized by slick liberal politicians with the complicity of the mainstream media.

    What I think we've come up with has been deliberately mischaracterized in the media, and I think the program we have is something that this Congress should be proud of,

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