Quotes about miscues (9 Quotes)

    When we went in there, they really started blitzing everybody. They saw Morelli as an inexperienced, second-string quarterback and they brought the house against us. But as a whole, I thought we picked it up well. We had a couple, little miscues, but nothing that can't be corrected.

    We didn't pull together. We basically tried to play individually and in the game of volleyball, it takes everyone pulling together to be successful. These girls dug deep within themselves to win this invitational ... All in all, this match was played hard, we suffered a few miscues, miscommunication, and a little bit of not moving, but as always these girls talked amongst themselves and worked through these problems and success is what came out of this hard work.

    We told the kids at halftime (with Whitefish leading 20-6) that Polson had comeback in previous games and was a quality team. They were up for it, but some miscues (four offensive plays) ended up being big turning points in the game.

    I thought it was a masterpiece. It was a game where we were able to get things going in a positive direction after the first shift. We had a few miscues and we took a penalty right off the bat, but we were able to regroup and get enough pucks past their goaltenders.

    I am happy with the effort and with the result, but not with the execution. We made more than our share of mistakes. We challenged the guys to come out and play well on the heels of last week's win and they did. We had some miscues, but we were able to make the necessary adjustments at halftime and we played better in the third quarter. That is the good thing about this team, we have a lot of veteran players who can come back to the sideline and tell us what is going on out there so we can make the proper adjustments. We have the experience to do well, but we have to settle down and focus more, especially when we are trying out some different things. It was a good effort.

    It's safe to say we made miscues that led to every single run. We have young players out there. To expect them to perform like seasoned veterans is asking a little much. When you're involved in a ballgame like tonight's, you can ill afford to make the mistakes we made tonight.

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