Quotes about mixed-signal (5 Quotes)

    I am pleased with the company's financial performance in the second quarter, as we have completed the restructuring of the company around our core analog mixed-signal and embedded products, with our core products showing sequential revenue growth of 11 percent,

    Tim embodies what we value in a mixed-signal designer -- expert level analog design coupled with an equally strong understanding of digital design and signal processing. Tim has consistently led the design of market-leading products and has also been instrumental in product conception. His work ethic, flexibility and willingness to embrace any challenge have set him apart for some time. It is with pleasure that we include this honor to Tim's long list of accomplishments.

    Well, I think first of all, probably the most fundamental thing is that we are a mixed-signal analog semiconductor company, which, along with some of the other well-known names in the industry, enjoys very good economics.

    The company has begun to deliver profitable year-over-year growth in our analog, mixed-signal and embedded products. We achieved 18 percent year-over-year growth in these product categories, we have a strong cash position, and the underlying fundamentals of the business are strong.

    We are excited about the synergies and strategic benefits of this acquisition, including the improved reach into Asia and the broadening of our offering with less-complex, higher-turn products in the mixed-signal and structured digital business. This acquisition expands our market and scale in both mixed-signal and structured digital products. In addition, the peripheral imaging sensor products included in the acquisition enhance our core competencies while driving profitable growth.

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