Quotes about modalities (8 Quotes)

    The consummation of this acquisition is expected to effectively unite the resources of two of the largest information technology companies in health and human services. By combining the strengths of Creative Socio-Medics and CMHC Systems, we believe inpatient, outpatient, institutional and community-based systems will view us as a single source for solutions to their IT needs. We are very excited by the opportunities that lie ahead and look forward to serving an expanded community of agencies with proven solutions for all modalities of care.

    It's like saying the Internet is a crutch because back in the day we used to go to the library and pore through the card catalogs to spend two more hours finding some information. That's not what happens in the workplace anymore, so why teach it This is about new modalities here and everywhere. It will not reduce the college experience. It is in line with modern and practical expectations.

    There are theaters in which Italy plays a role in symphony with the United States, ... The more the Iraqis are able to ensure their own security, the easier it would be to work out the time frame and the modalities for phasing out. But they have to be decided together, not unilaterally but with a consensus.

    The sun is setting on American dreams in Iraq what remains now to be worked out are the modalities of withdrawal, which depend on the powers of forbearance in the American body politic. But the dynamic has already been set in place. The United States is running out of troops. By the spring of 2006, nearly every active-duty combat unit is likely to have been deployed twice. The National Guard and Reserves, meanwhile, make up an unprecedented 40 percent of the force, and the Guard is in the stage of meltdown, ... the wheels are coming off.

    The Government first contends that, even though the Communications Decency Act effectively censors discourse on many of the Internets modalities such as chat groups, newsgroups, and mail exploders it is nonetheless constitutional because it provides a 'reasonable opportunity' for speakers to engage in the restricted speech on the World Wide Web.... The Governments position is equivalent to arguing that a statute could ban leaflets on certain subjects as long as individuals are free to publish books.... One is not to have the exercise of his liberty of expression in appropriate places abridged on the plea that it may be exercised in some other place.

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