Quotes about monorail (9 Quotes)

    I don't think that was too successful. Because I always thought that the two of them should have been more separate. Also I had planned the monorail station to be in the center. So that one day you would have go to World Showcase and then the other day to Future World.

    I personally do not believe the monorail is the right approach because it will potentially divert attention and resources and not solve our critical transportation safety issues, ... Today, the mayor placed this issue exactly where it belongs in front of the people.

    The voters have done the heavy lifting by voting for the monorail four times, ... We are not afraid of the voters. That's where this project comes from. What I am worried about is the endless planning loop that keeps us from building a citywide transit system.

    The acting chairwoman of the monorail board, however, said it's not clear voters need to be asked to vote a fifth time on the project, which would link Crown Hill to West Seattle. Have they heard about our new financial approach ... If they're saying how we get out of the situation without asking the voters, that's the answer.

    Also, the monorail could be forced to start the entire bidding process all over again, adding another two years and tens of millions of taxpayer dollars before a spade of dirt is turned,

    This is a significant corridor for commuter and freight traffic. We're certain there will be a need for enhanced transit there over the next five years. We need to be assured strategies are in place to meet the growing need as it appears less and less likely there will be a monorail serving this corridor.

    Because we are on schedule and under budget to complete the Seattle monorail plan in August for a November vote we wanted to take this action now.

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