Quotes about monoxide (13 Quotes)

    The instruments are now being used to monitor a significant number of key tropospheric trace gases including formaldehyde, methane, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide and dioxide,

    It is appalling the way they deliberately set out to mislead smokers about the toxins in tobacco smoke knowing full well these machine measurements do not reflect how people smoke and therefore how much carbon monoxide and other toxins they are inhaling.

    Carbon monoxide simulates the appearance of freshness, so consumers may actually believe meat is fresh and safe when it may be neither. We hope the FDA acts quickly to end this deceptive, potentially dangerous practice.

    One possibility is that the administration of oxygen displaced carbon monoxide from his blood and so it's in his body but we're they're not measuring it yet. Another possibility is that the temperature in the mine, about 55 degrees, can actually affect this blood test, which is challenging to do. And, of course, it's possible, that one miner had a working oxygen mask and was protected from the carbon monoxide to which the other miners were exposed and there may have been a mix of gases.

    ADI realized we knew how to drive alarm companies to them. We're the only company that is a patented, UL-approved system that monitors for carbon monoxide and proactively shuts down the cause -- usually a faulty furnace.

    Carbon monoxide is an invisible killer, odorless and colorless. Keep generators a safe distance from your home, away from open doors, windows and vents. Don't take a chance,

    There's any number of things that could dissipate the carbon monoxide. I don't know why it became critical mass yesterday. Maybe the windows were not open. The doors may have been closed. I can't answer that,

    No one likes to come home to a dark house or worry about security while away. With our technology homebuyers can opt to turn on lights when using a remote control to open garage doors or be called on their cell phone if an alarm or water sensor is tripped. A working parent also could confirm a child's arrival home from school by monitoring the security code access, and if security cameras are part of the program images andor video could be viewed over the web. Many automated features save energy, helping the system pay for itself over time. Others improve safety, like fire, carbon monoxide and low temperature sensors.

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