Quotes about moores (12 Quotes)

    I didnt know then, and I dont know now, what the initials E. M. M. stand for, ... Im going to assume it was Eugene Moores name. If someone asked who owns the company, or who was our representative from E. M. M., I could have answered.

    I look at 2005 as the year where, for the first time, Moore's Law continued but delivered more and more unique benefits in the CPU as opposed to just more speed. And I find that significant.

    I'm convinced the league was careful to take into account all the elements and acted with a clear sense of what was fair for all parties involved. Steve Moore's complete recovery continues to be our main concern.

    We may as well jump on (Moores) back. Hes carrying us and really playing steady basketball. Hes put together some back-to-back games offensively for us that are about as good as you can ask of a junior.

    Because of the nature of Moore's law, anything that an extremely clever graphics programmer can do at one point can be replicated by a merely competent programmer some number of years later.

    The acquisition of B.C. Moore's represents a logical next step for us following our successful integration of Peebles. It significantly enhances the strategic and geographic development of our business, improves our competitive position, and presents us with a compelling opportunity for increased sales and earnings.

    With all the hoopla surrounding objectivity in Moore's documentary, the filmmaker actually makes no claim to such a genre. I don't know if you should call it a documentary, ... I think it's a nonfiction film. It's certainly not made up. Everything you see is real. It actually happened and I filmed it as it happened. But that word, I don't like that word. It has just some bad connotation to it. I set out to make a movie whenever I start one of these. I'm not thinking, 'Oh, I want to make a documentary.' I don't even know really what that means. I like to go to the movies. I go to three or four movies a week. I love going to the movies and I want to make a movie that I would go see. And that's what I set out to do.

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