Quotes about moot (16 Quotes)

    No accommodations were made to allow the large public to attend this meeting. It is my belief all motions and recommendations made at this meeting could be deemed moot.

    JAGUARS Tropical Storm Ophelia could affect Sunday's game against Seattle and make coach Jack Del Rio's jersey swap a moot point. Del Rio had decided to make the Seahawks wear their green and blue home jerseys at Alltel Stadium, hoping the dark shirts would cause more sweat for players unaccustomed to the heat. It makes all the sense in the world to me, ... If I was Jack, I would do the same thing.

    The hearing will be conducted tomorrow because of the transcendental importance of the issues involved. There is authority for the view that the court will decide the question even if it has been rendered moot.

    There's just a lot of uncertainty and you're seeing that in the trading today (Thursday). Tomorrow's (Friday) our only big economic day of the week. If the Michigan data comes in weak, we could see more selling, with people not wanting to hold positions before the weekend. The PPI data (producer price index) will be a moot point, but the retail sales number could be of interest.

    Any decision about Matt's contract will have to include something for Matt if there's anything in it for the Vikings. Otherwise, the discussion is moot.

    A strike would be moot unless they waited until GM was back in production after the Flint strikes. If they went down now, who would care It wouldn't mean anything.

    The Court could decide the Bush appeal is moot. The Court is always concerned about overstepping its bounds, and the Justices could decide that in the period since they agreed to hear the case, the facts have changed such that the case is no longer alive.

    We are at a point where the major issues are moot. Those formerly unhappy now, from what we understand in conversations, support our current efforts. The politics is such where we feel it's an important conversation with the full board.

    We can't expect unilateral disarmament, ... If Goldman works to get stricter federal policies, and if it disseminates its research to clients and policy makers, the issue may be rendered moot anyway.

    I believe that this budget has failed to deal with the single most important issue facing this country. And as a result, everything contained in this Budget, and all of the discussions we embark upon are really moot.

    The State Department is undergoing a major review and there is a new posture, to win hearts and minds. And while that happens, Congress votes to build a wall along the border with Mexico. One move makes the other moot.

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