Quotes about morelli (8 Quotes)

    When we went in there, they really started blitzing everybody. They saw Morelli as an inexperienced, second-string quarterback and they brought the house against us. But as a whole, I thought we picked it up well. We had a couple, little miscues, but nothing that can't be corrected.

    Morelli is a great player, and they signed another kid. In order to have a high-profile program, you have to have great quarterbacks. (Devlin) knows he has his work cut out for him. He was not promised anything.

    He had a really good week, but the way the game was going, it wasn't right to put him in there. Morelli is ready to play. I'd have absolutely no worries if we had to play him tomorrow.

    I thought Morelli had a really good spring. There was one area we tried to emphasize. We knew coming into the spring that we had very talented skill people, both offensively and defensively, we have some kids that can really run in the secondary. We tried to emphasize that. We really put Anthony through a lot of tough situations just to get him ready for what might happen in the fall.

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