Quotes about moseley (4 Quotes)

    Ben Moseley is concerned for the members of the churches involved, the people in those communities and the injured firefighters. It is hoped that this decision will help us move forward with efforts to resolve all of these matters in a way that will result in reconciliation and restoration.

    We communicated to our local doctors that our candidate evaluation committee recommended to endorse Bailey Moseley. I think the local physicians went ahead with the information and it just needed to go through one more step. TEXPAC has endorsed Bailey Moseley.

    On Thursday, the field of candidates shrank to eight when former Sen. Carol Moseley Braun quit the race and threw her support to Dean. With Dean at her side, Braun told supporters that she hopes they will stand for him with the conviction and courage with which you would have stood for me. ... because it has nothing to do with poll numbers. It's because Carol has run a campaign which has drawn people to her because they respect her.

    Starter Ramon Ortiz and the Reds go to a 215 p.m. arbitration hearing on Friday. The Reds have offered Ortiz, obtained in a Dec. 13 trade for Dustin Moseley , 3.45 million. Ortiz has countered with 4 million. Ortiz said he has left the hearing to his agent and won't take it personally. That's easy to say if you've never had an arbitration hearing, ... But it is not a pleasant process.

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