Quotes about municipalities (16 Quotes)

    These places are not the same as they were 50 years ago. Municipalities are in constant competition among each other. They really need to work together to push for important reforms.

    Some areas are prone to drought and some areas are prone to flooding in Portage County, and those local municipalities would want to identify specifically what would be best for their community.

    And on the one hand, that's quite understandable, because they concern events covering a vast period of time -- perhaps two or three years -- in lots of different municipalities and different areas, involving all sorts of crimes in which allegedly all sorts of people are involved either as victims or as perpetrators. Particularly when you're dealing with crimes of command responsibility, where it's alleged that the accused had control over various unites or brigades or battalions, you can imagine that the amount of documentary evidence and all evidence that's presented at the trial is absolutely enormous.

    This is a significant milestone, laying a foundation for the governments of Canada and Ontario to work together in collaboration with municipalities and official language minority communities to improve the social and economic integration of immigrants in the province,

    This area is very fortunate to have her because we're doing drug analysis for the sheriff's office, North Police, Bowman, and other municipalities and towns,

    So far, China has set up community medical service centers in 95 percent of its prefecture-level cities and 86 percent of districts under municipalities and county-level cities.

    In Cuenca, Ecuador's third largest city, bus transportation is a vital lifeline for many of its citizens. The municipalities in Ecuador are proactive in their deployment of new technologies that enhance core services. The selection of Panther Trak as the GPS device of choice is further evidence of the market acceptance of our technology and we anticipate additional orders for similar uses.

    In a lot of ways, these communities are success stories. They are some of the most healthy, stable and vital municipalities in the country. But there are significant warning signs. Poverty is one of those.

    Bogus arguments are going out to delay the inevitable competition. Our competitors are making false accusations to attempt to maintain their monopoly. We will continue to offer communities the same benefits as other companies, and government, public and educational channels will still be provided. Also we will be paying higher franchise fees to the municipalities, and that's money that they may need in the community.

    My business New Year's resolution is to work as hard as I can to build bridges and better relationships with our municipalities. I figure that one is big enough to take the whole year.

    That will open the floodgates in two specific ways. It will allow other states and municipalities to go ahead with similar bills based on Maryland's success. Secondly, Maryland has a governor up for re-election. This is the first entry point to see if Wal-Mart is an election issue.

    Most businesspeople are properly skeptical of government programs labeled 'streamlined,' ... I'm skeptical of the burden this is placing on some smaller businesses. I'm skeptical of government's efforts to force retailers to charge taxes for an incredible number of municipalities around the country.

    In laymans terms, taxes in Granby will go down this year as the result of true-value and that will shift the burden to the other six municipalities that are in the district,

    Initial open court sessions of death penalty cases during their second verdict in some provinces and municipalities have proved to be successful. The Supreme People's Court is confident to spread it nationwide.

    You can't, in good conscience, ask volunteers to quickly do a major Web site overhaul and then ask them to consistently meet the large weekly demand for agenda, minutes, calendar and other updates, ... Municipalities invariably take over responsibility for their Web sites once the Web sites become larger.

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