Quotes about murrow (16 Quotes)

    He finds the perfect approach to Murrow, what his contribution was. It's not a film that makes Murrow out to be a grand hero who saves the United States. It shows that within a domain limited by the possibilities of the medium and the demands of sponsors,

    The script for this film was written 52 years ago by Edward R. Murrow, who taught us many valuable lessons about responsibility and always, always questioned authority, because without it authority often goes unchecked.

    Whenever I'm not sure about something, the ethics of something, the question I ask myself is, 'What would Murrow have done What would Murrow say' It seems strange after all these years that I still have him as a kind of symbol and an emblem to live by, but I do.

    Murrow would be delighted that there are 24-hour news channels, but disappointed that during prime time all that they would be doing are these shout shows and Larry King instead of doing the news,

    When I was first writing it, I thought I'm about the right age and I might be the right guy to play it, ... But after looking at more and more footage of him, you realized that Murrow always looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. And, quite honestly, that's not what people think of when they think of me.

    After Murrow, CBS made news much more corporate. They found a new type of journalist who defined the networks. It was now about the anchorman. From '62 to the present, the anchor was the key figure for network news.

    This is a big job with a lot of different moving pieces. Ed Murrow once famously said that there's no cash register that rings when a mind is changed. But I think over the long haul we can begin to shape a better perception in the Middle East.

    Murrow had such a powerhouse aura, that if he'd wanted to go into acting, he could have been extraordinary. He could just rip into any situation, any person, and go for a level of truth beyond what anybody wanted to talk about.

    When you're creating a character out of nothing, you have to make all the guesses as to how they walk, how they talk, how they think. It was all there on the table for us to pick and choose for Murrow.

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