Quotes about museveni (6 Quotes)

    I was honored to have the opportunity to meet with President Museveni and continue our great friendship. We had an open and productive exchange of ideas and I am grateful for the leading role that President Museveni has assumed with the worldwide effort to combat HIVAIDS.

    The Ugandan military's defiance of the High Court further undermines the rule of law in Uganda and could jeopardize the electoral process. It is up to President Museveni to make clear to the military that they must respect and comply with the rulings of superior civilian courts.

    The ruling party under President Yoweri Museveni is playing a dirty game of intimidating the electorate and undermining the opposition. The illegal involvement of the army in the campaign scares the electorate, while the opposition has its hands tied by politically motivated criminal charges against its leaders.

    Although no one will be particularly excited about it, most Western countries have accepted Museveni is here to stay, and they are not so unhappy given that stability is a major concern for many donors.

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