Quotes about nassau (11 Quotes)

    There were proposals to develop the land, but none went forward, ... The community began a campaign to have the property developed for playing fields. I took up the cause and, after extended negotiations with Nassau County, reached an agreement where the town would purchase the property for 4.7 million and take over 9.8 land miles of county road.

    We grew up in the Clear Lake area. We have seen the communities fight to keep high-rises out, especially in Nassau Bay, but the market is very strong because of the waterfront property.

    After John received his degree, he joined DSV, a venture capital firm in Princeton, and when I had my third child, I stopped working, ... We loved Philadelphia and had a great old house in Center City, but we decided to give Princeton a try. At first, I was a bit confused after the move. I wasn't sure what to do. The girls were now five, three, and six months, and they really grew up here. Now, I love Princeton. It's a great place to raise children, and John has his own venture capital firm, Cardinal Partners, on Nassau Street.

    Just between you and me, if the f---ing commissioners of this state were any slower with this s---. I mean it got to a point where I called DeBuono on something on behalf of Nassau County Republican boss Joseph Mondello, and I said to her, 'You know you have a f---ing Democrat as your number two person, and you're telling me that I can't get my f---ing people hired' And then Brad then-Pataki Chief of Staff Brad Race calls me up and says, 'You really can't call these people like that'. I'm like, 'Brad, does Barbara DeBuono work for us or do we work for her' I said, 'Joe Mondello can't get a goddam job, and it still hasn't been done yet.' It's utter bulls---.

    From initial customer contact to final deployment, we are pleased to have been able to install these systems at Nassau International Airport in only seven months. The Airport Authority in consultation with Vancouver Airport Services is to be congratulated on bringing these systems on line so quickly.

    The fans deserve better in terms of experience. If there was no team here and somebody came to us and said, 'We'd like to bring a team to Nassau Coliseum,' our answer would be, 'Are you kidding.

    I am totally committed to this museum surviving. This should be a showcase for Nassau County. ... Veterans and volunteers worked hard on these planes. This is the history of Long Island, we have to make this succeed.

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