Quotes about naturalization (7 Quotes)

    The (Immigration and Naturalization Service) has never looked at the health and psychological care issues of this child. It is high time that they did so before they commit themselves to some precipitous action which could have (irreversible) consequences.

    I'm delighted to have the opportunity to get better acquainted with a variety of challenges faced by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, ... I look forward to working hard personally so that these challenges will be better met and America can better respond to its responsibilities as it relates to citizens of this country.

    On this memorable day, we were honored to witness 50 petitioners, representing 24 different countries, take the oath of United States citizenship at a naturalization ceremony in the courtroom of Judge Gregory Frost. Having the privilege of watching this naturalization ceremony was an experience these fourth-graders and their teachers will never forget.

    The CIA knew who they were, they knew that they were suspected al Qaeda operatives, they failed to alert the INS Immigration and Naturalization Service, the State Department, the Customs Service, agencies who could have kept them out of the country.

    . . . when the farm workers strike and their strike is successful, the employers go to Mexico and have unlimited, unrestricted use of illegal alien strikebreakers to break the strike. And, for over 30 years, the Immigration and Naturalization Service has looked the other way and assisted in the strikebreaking. I do not remember one single instance in 30 years where the Immigration Service has removed strikebreakers. . . .The employers use professional smugglers to recruit and transport human contraband across the Mexican border for the specific act of strikebreaking . . .

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