Quotes about negotiators (16 Quotes)

    Don't break out the Dynasty wine yet. The negotiators didn't actually sign the agreement, because, so far, there is nothing to sign. The real negotiations, which the U. S. hopes will focus on dismantling the North's nuclear programs, are set to resume in November. I can't imagine they'll be harder, ... I just cannot imagine it, but you know, sometimes we have to imagine the unimaginable.

    I'm delighted that this agreement can finally enter into force, and I raise my glass to the negotiators for their efforts. This deal will facilitate access for EU wines to the lucrative US market, where consumers greatly appreciate the quality and long history behind our wines. In today's increasingly competitive market place, it is vital that there are no unnecessary and burdensome barriers for our winemakers, who I believe are the best in the world. The EU attaches great importance to the proper protection of its geographical indications abroad.

    I want to assure you that agency negotiators are working very hard, in good faith, to obtain an agreement with NATCA. It has always been -- and remains -- my strong preference to resolve our contract issues on a voluntary basis.

    with North Korea reneging on a key issue of the new disarmament agreement, U. S. negotiators are trying to keep the six-party talks going because nuclear brinksmanship makes all nations nervous.

    There are professional negotiators working for the writers and the actors, but basically you've got the writers and actors negotiating against businessmen. That's why you get rhetoric.

    There is no record of what he did at the meeting. He met with the chief negotiators for the enemy. He had no right to do that as a private citizen. He had no right to do it as a naval officer,

    Boeing negotiators also have been stressing that retirement resources should includes pensions, company-matched 401(k) savings, Social Security, and personal savings. During these negotiations, there has been a lot of discussion about pensions ... What hasn't received much discussion is the concept of balance.

    The NFL negotiators called us tonight to indicate that they will take our complete package to the owners for an approval vote on Tuesday. We have therefore agreed to extend the free agent deadline until midnight Wednesday in order to provide time for that vote to be accomplished. It was the NFL's previous rejection of our proposal earlier this evening that caused the talks to break down.

    Talks have reached a critical stage and negotiators need to reach a deal on agriculture in the next two weeks if efforts to restart the Doha round by the end of the year are to succeed. Some speak of a deadlock in the talks, ... I prefer to talk of a padlock, and the key is in the hands of the EU.

    China, the host of the talks, and South Korea said that the deal was far from dead. But with the contentious issues of inspections, disarmament and the timing of concessions still to be decided, the negotiators still face months, if not years, of work. This is clearly progress, but it is just a first step in a long march. The devil will be in the detail, ... Anyone who thinks it is over is very much mistaken.

    The UN should arrange, as US forces leave, for an international group of peacekeepers and negotiators from the Arab countries to bring together Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds, and work out a solution for self-governance that would give all three groups a share in political power. Simultaneously, the UN should arrange for shipments of food and medicine, from the United States and other countries, as well as engineers to help rebuild the country.

    This president, after years of stonewalling from the Democrats, was able to pass and sign a plan for a prescription drug benefit, ... Kennedy was part of that as well. He was one of the lead negotiators for the Democrats. This is really a stunning about-face. He seems to be walking away from his own ideas.

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