Quotes about nemesis (13 Quotes)

    When you go into California and don't run well, and come to Vegas and don't run well, it puts a lot of pressure on you. But we finished 11th at California, and that's our goal this week. And if we can do that at these two race tracks, which have been our biggest nemesis, I think we can expect to have a pretty good season.

    The Greeks invented the idea of nemesis to show how any single virtue, stubbornly maintained gradually changes into a destructive vice. Our success, our industry, our habit of work have produced our economic nemesis. Work made modern men great, but now threatens to usurp our souls, to inundate the earth in things and trash, to destroy our capacity to love and wonder.

    We lost nine seniors, virtually every starting player. Right now, our strength is our offense - we're a pretty good-hitting team. There's some depth in the pitching, although the staff is real inexperienced. Our nemesis is our defense. That's where we really need to improve.

    Most journalists are restless voyeurs who see the warts on the world, the imperfections in people and places. . . . gloom is their game, the spectacle their passion, normality their nemesis.

    Now, the cult of personality has diminished and Gray Davis is no longer our nemesis. The Republican Party ... becomes very important, and he needs to make sure that those volunteers are engaged and enthused and willing to fight for him.

    Down the stretch, the free-throw line was our nemesis. If we can get a couple of stops and make our free throws, it really shouldn't have come down to an overtime. But if you don't play a full 48 minutes, you leave too much to chance.

    I just need to be in the strike zone. Walks have been my nemesis for the last year and a half. I have to go out there and throw strikes and attack hitters and prove to them I can get guys out.

    There's no plan for an ENTERPRISE movie, but the actors agree it's just a matter of time before another STAR TREK project is in the works. There is talk about a Starfleet Academy movie, ... but I think they got burnt badly on NEMESIS, all things considered.

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