Quotes about netscapes (7 Quotes)

    Demands that Microsoft completely hide its Windows user interface and its Internet technology from PC users, and that we ship Netscape's competing software in every copy of Windows, all appear to benefit a single competitor at the expense of consumers,

    Those contracts were entered into when Microsoft had single-digit usage figures for browser software. Microsoft's contracts are not only completely unobjectionable, but pro-competitive because it reduced Netscape's dominance and gave consumers more choice.

    They are the only ones who destroyed the most innovative company in Silicon Valley in the past decade -- Netscape Communications, ... They paid people not to ship Netscape's browser. They're special.

    Microsoft did not object to Compaq's inclusion of the Netscape Navigator icon on the Presario desktop. Microsoft in no way limits Compaq in its license agreements from including Netscape's icon.

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