Quotes about newfound (16 Quotes)

    We were very impressed with how quickly the Network Engines appliance came on line. We were also pleasantly surprised with the improved performance, and also our newfound ability to automate the security patch process. It ended up being a win-win situation for Jelly Belly users and the IT staff.

    These others -- the overwhelming majority of Iraq's people -- have repeatedly given every indication of valuing their newfound freedom voting in two elections at the risk of their lives, preparing for a third, writing and ratifying a constitution granting more freedoms than exist in any country in the entire Arab Middle East. The secret is out, ... There is something decent unfolding in Iraq. It's unfolding in the shadow of a terrible insurgency, but a society is finding its way to constitutional politics.

    You've got to look at it through my eyes. Whatever opportunity unfolds, you're just excited to have it and go after it. I gained a newfound respect for the bullpen and love how each role is vital to the importance of a team. I grew to love it.

    In 2001, the Utahn launched Mountain Sunrise Feed in Enterprise to ship compressed hay and alfalfa to dairy cooperatives across Asia. His newfound customers planned to inspect the feed on a visit that September, but the attacks kept them from traveling and they turned to more familiar suppliers instead. It struck us very hard and just about put us under, ... We still haven't fully recovered, but we'll make it.

    I don't think it's enough to make an appreciable impact on the day-to-day purses. But it's still newfound money. And I think you have to look upon it as a starting place. It's becoming terribly difficult to get sponsors (for racing). Even the Breeders' Cup has a certain amount of trouble. So to me, it's a good starting point and we're happy about it.

    Alan Berg's memory haunts many people, even those who never heard him on the radio, because his death could be read as a message Be cautious, be prudent, be bland, never push anybody, never say what you really think, offer yourself as a hostage to the weirdos even before they make the first move. These days, a lot of people are opposed to the newfound popularity of 'trash television,' and no doubt they are right, and the hosts of these shows are shameless controversy-mongers. But at least they are not intimidated. Of what use is freedom of speech to those who fear to offend.

    Once the transition is complete by the first quarter of fiscal 2007, we believe Mac shipments have the potential to surge on the strength of the Mac's newfound ability to run Windows applications alongside Mac applications.

    John Kerry's newfound interest in fiscal discipline is a political gimmick that defies his 20-year record in the Senate and stands in stark contrast to his reckless and expansive promises of new government spending on the campaign trail.

    They've spent a week trying to exclude the votes of men and women in uniform, police, fire, nurses, doctors. Now, their newfound dedication to the counting of ballots, though welcome, seems a little off.

    And as I reinvent myself and I'm constantly curious about everything, I can't wait to see what's around the corner in newfound art and entertainment and exploration.

    They don't often hit it. It really depends on how often they've been asked to speak. It is a skill that in this case, both Steve and Dan have learned to master because they're both television people now. We're hoping they take advantage of that newfound skill.

    Nan will bring a no-nonsense, take no prisoners approach to the Senate. She can be a strong coalition builder or fiery opponent. I have no doubt that she will join our progressive friends in the Senate with a newfound passion for equality.

    Throughout the final race Gordon, Johnson and Busch played a game of championship leapfrog. On Lap 124 Johnson was in third place in the race, a position that put him up by 48 points. By Lap 178 Gordon was in third place and atop the standings by 36 points. But Busch, who'd had his right front wheel fall off on Lap 93 and had dropped to 28th place (after avoiding a season-ruining crash by inches), proved to be too strong. Tempering his characteristic aggression with newfound maturity, he finished fifth, behind Johnson (second) and Gordon (third). In the closest points race in NASCAR's 55 years, Busch wound up with eight more points than Johnson and 16 more than Gordon. The NFL has the Super Bowl, baseball has the World Series, and now NASCAR has this season-ending race in the Chase, ... I've never driven so hard in my life. Man, what a couple of weeks.

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