Quotes about nino (13 Quotes)

    As El Nino matures, it is expected to first impact the Atlantic hurricane season in late September and October, then U.S. temperatures and precipitation in the fall and winter.

    Over the past decade we have improved the forecasting of La Nina and El Nino so that we can now predict these events and their expected climatic impacts on different regions with 70 to 80 percent accuracy a year before they occur,

    During the summer, nearly every area of the country is normally subject to periods of extreme heat, wetness, or dryness. Summer weather patterns over the continental U.S. are more difficult to forecast than those in the winter season because they are not strongly tied to a climate indicator, such as an El Nino or La Nina.

    We haven't seen a normal winter for the past three years because of El Nino and La Nina, but those conditions have disappeared and we're going back to what we've seen more normally in the past 10 or 20 years,

    We've had a wide variety of excuses, whether it be Princess Diana's funeral, the weather, El Nino... Bottom line is August was better than planned and it stole a little bit from the month of September.

    Meanwhile, the global commodities market, always at the mercy of rainfall, appears to be adjusting to the stormy weather. A lot of people have already banked on some El Nino problems, ... And they're already long. So they're already in bed expecting some problems. Might not happen.

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