Quotes about ninth-grader (4 Quotes)

    It was pleasure watching him grow from a ninth-grader with so much potential, seeing him mature as an athlete from an emotional freshman. He became such a leader. He's such a good person, a good guy just a quality individual. He was so much more than just a gifted athlete. He was a pleasure to be around and I know we won't see his level of athlete in our school.

    This was a huge confidence-builder for our girls. Lauren was so smooth out there today, and she showed a tremendous amount of poise for a ninth-grader. There were some rough spots, but this gives us something to build on.

    The kids (in Hillsborough) don't get the opportunity to play like the other counties provide. If you take a good athlete that has just started the game as a ninth-grader and compare him to a kid who has played three or four years prior to that, the kid playing longer has the edge.

    We're satisfied. We played two of our better ball games out here. We're young, with all juniors and a ninth-grader playing most of the time. Our two big girls probably didn't play more than 30 minutes all night, so we're happy.

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