Quotes about no-till (6 Quotes)

    Not only is no-till good for the soil and environment, it can also help facilitate adoption of carbon emission reductions by companies. Companies will pay farmers to reduce carbon through no-till conservation practices.

    We tried to no-till where we could, but there's a limit to what we can do. We can't trim any more than we have. We're just going to do what we have to do and hope to get more for the end product with ethanol or increased exports. And I really think that will happen.

    I've experienced several dry years where no-till soybeans substantially out-yielded conventionally planted soybeans. One year in particular was 1991, when no-till soybeans averaged over 40 bushels per acre, and conventional soybeans were about 12 bushels per acre. The difference was in the saved soil moisture.

    No-till in and of itself is a carbon credit. If someone is willing to pay you to do what you've been doing, then why not get involved You are just leaving money on the land if you don't.

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