Quotes about nonresidential (4 Quotes)

    As was the case for most of the year, growth was well distributed among the major construction segments. Comparing December 2005 to December 2004, public construction grew 10, private residential construction rose 9.0, and private nonresidential was up 6.0. For the year, those categories increased 8.0, 11, and 5.0, respectively.

    There was continuing strength in mining, equipment manufacturing, nonresidential construction and utilities, ... Against that, residential construction, parts of agriculture and both wholesale and retail report poor and falling business conditions.

    The story is one of continuing boom conditions in mining and very strong nonresidential construction activity, ... The Reserve Bank is still very much on hold, watching both the inflation outlook and domestic demand.

    Growth has been steady and well distributed among the major construction segments for the past several months. For the first 11 months of 2005, total construction was nine percent higher than in same months of 2004. Private residential construction grew 11 percent, public construction, eight percent, and private nonresidential, five percent.

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