Quotes about nunez (7 Quotes)

    Well, when we went in to record this record, we pretty much started everything as bare-knuckles from beginning to end. Nothing was completely written at all. Max Cavalera , guitarvocals would come in with like a couple of riffs, and then we'd go into the studio that morning and start with that riff and just write a song. And we gave each individual song on the record that kind of attention. That was a pretty cool way that we recorded the new record. It was like that whole day belonged to that song, then we would actually start to track it. So it wasn't preconceived or nothing like that. Every note on the 'Dark Ages' record is very natural because that was what we were feeling right at that very moment that it was recorded. And as far as recording myself, personally, I was like the late-night guy. I really hate doing stuff during the day, especially recording. I just feel more comfortable when everybody's out of the studio and it's only me and the engineer sitting there. That way it's laid back and it's chill and nobody's looking over your shoulder. I feel like I'm more creative, personally, that way. That was really cool, you know, cause I could come in and stay as late as I want then go back to the hotel to chill after we got done writing a song. Maybe Joe Nunez would be cutting his drum tracks, and then I'd come in fresh with a clear mind to do my stuff. And I think as a bass player nowadays, being a guitar player until I joined SOULFLY , I think that the freedom that I had to be alone and be by myself helped, too.

    They were positioned in the right place, ... The ball Loretta hit was a good pitch that he hit hard down the line and Nunez happened to be in the right spot. Sanders happened to be in the right spot on (Dave) Roberts' ball. It was almost the identical ball that Edmonds hit and we couldn't get to.

    I think we did a good job on the foul line and spread it out enough. We started Megan (along with other 'smalls,' Nunez and Vega) to see if we could get quickness. We felt like if we could pressure their guards with three smaller players, we'd be quicker and the advantage would be ours.

    That just shows you with our club there's a lot of different ways we can go out there and we can get a victory. Grudzielanek had a great night, but once again you were looking at Nunez.

    Nunez hurt it in Missouri, and the pain went all the way down to her back. From there she hurt it again in Texas, and Christmas night she was in a car accident. That didn't help her at all.

    I thought Roberto Mina went in there and did very, very well. The first goal was a great goal. A great play on the second one from Ramon Nunez and Bobby Rhine to get in there and open it up down the right side and ends up being a great tap-in.

    Station officials said an independent research firm selected the audience to mirror local demographics. After the debate, Nunez later called it an audience that looked like California. ... a stacked deck.

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