Quotes about obstruct (16 Quotes)

    to extraordinary and unprecedented measures to obstruct the business of the American people. Because the Democrats have no ideas or agenda of their own, they've made an awkward attempt at changing the subject.

    We are trying to find a peaceful solution to the crisis, ... We do not want to use force. But we will not let Saddam Hussein continue to obstruct the U.N. inspection teams.

    There are forces seeking to prevent democracy and obstruct the peaceful political and economic development of Iraq. They seek to achieve their goals in a number of ways. But, as I said before, promoting sectarian violence is one of them. There's nothing new here.

    It is Margaret Thatcher's fault, ... Inspired by busy little demons, she slashed and burnt her way through the old order. Sentiment was given short shrift, as short as the trade unions nothing including old-fashioned industry was to obstruct economic progress. Making things was slow. There were quicker ways to get rich...

    It was an attempt, a bold attempt, one that succeeded in some respects to obstruct the justice sought by a fellow American citizen. That is heavy. That is soul-searching in its quality. That goes beyond those who would say, 'He committed perjury about sex so what,'

    It looked ugly right in the middle of the downtown. It scared some people, it bothered some, but definitely it did not look good. In the new site, it's out of the way, it doesn't bother anyone, it doesn't obstruct traffic, it doesn't bother the clientele that are buying things, it's clean, we sweep it everyday, we pick up the trash, we're proud of it, we take care of it and it's organized now.

    I cannot will to my children and grandchildren the proposition that a president stands above the law and can systematically obstruct justice simply because both his polls and the Dow Jones index was high,

    The IRA has abandoned its armed struggle in pursuit of its goals by political means. This must be fully acknowledged. Continued challenge does nothing but obstruct and inhibit the peace process.

    Coming just days before the presidential elections, it looks like yet another attempt by the Mugabe regime to obstruct the conduct of the election and the ability of the people of Zimbabwe to choose, freely and fairly, who should lead them.

    This much has become clear although most senators agreed that the president lied under oath while trying to obstruct justice, he will stay in office, ... But we must move forward on the people's business. We must do our job.

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