Quotes about odom (13 Quotes)

    I also believe Odom would complement Eddie Jones and Brian Grant, our two veteran leaders. As I have said before, we are committed to winning and will do whatever it takes to give our fans talented players and a great team.

    Weird things happen in the NBA, and tonight was one of them. We had a chance to win the game and just didn't close it out. They made some big shots down the stretch and came away with the victory. Even though (Odom) made a mistake, as a team, defense down the stretch cost us the ballgame.

    Give the credit to Dave (Odom). I may have jumped on board, but as soon as I got here and had a talk with Dave, one of the first things he mentioned was the history and some of the things he thought we should do I happened to agree, but it started with him.

    The patience at the end of the game there when Brad hit the three was terrific. We had plenty of time, we moved the ball around and they made a mistake and left Brad standing there. Then in the overtime we took control, especially when Odom fouled out.

    After long and careful consideration, we have elected not to match the offer sheet presented to us by Lamar Odom, ... In the final analysis, the decision was based on issues of character and other risks involved.

    I named it the Zen Fencing Academy for my hero, a gentleman by the name of Joe Odom, who sadly passed away last year. He was my role model as a fencer and as an instructor. He founded a club in Pittsburgh, Fencers For Fun, as a method of keeping kids off the streets. He always came to (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) to help us out because we didn't have a coach. We always referred to him as the 'Zen master of fencing'. He was that wise old Pat Morita kind of character.

    We searched two homes belonging to Odom and Hinojosa in the course of the day based on information that was developed during the arrests. It's possible we may be filing some additional counts against some of these individuals based on items seized during today's searches.

    They aren't as deep, but those kids that are out there know they are going to be out there. They're a very athletic team, long and rangy. I think they're a very confident team. They play with a great deal of confidence and you're able to see that. Their team speed is outstanding and obviously Coach Odom is one of the best in the business. They've been on a tear here down the stretch and they were on the verge of winning their conference tournament before coming up a little short. They've gone on the road to win some big-time games in this tournament, at Cincinnati and at Florida State . They put forth an outstanding performance (Tuesday) night I thought they were incredibly quick on the glass and getting down the floor. They are a very confident group that seems to play well together.

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