Quotes about oems (15 Quotes)

    The hard work of numerous volunteers from the end user community, working in concert with technology suppliers and OEM's, was very apparent this week. Our affiliation with ISA in 2005 has been a major contributor to our progress. In this past year, we have applied more resources, increased the extent of our collaborations, heightened our visibility, and secured our future. With ISA's assistance, we have brought a technical director on board to help facilitate our work, developed strategic business plans for each of our working groups, started the rejuvenation of our manufacturing infrastructure group, implemented a new web site and a series of email lists, and launched a web seminar program to fulfill our educational mission.

    While aggressive competition between retailers, OEMs and component suppliers as well as the holiday seasonal rush helped spur this (price) decline, ... The most prominent culprit was the rise of sub-800 computers.

    Our strategy is to offer a choice to PC users. We offer all the features of Microsoft Office and, since we started offering WordPerfect through OEMs in 2003, a large number of people have chosen us rather than Microsoft products.

    We're outraged at that. It turns out to be a piece of sleight of hand on Intel's part because they were never in control over whether the ID feature would be turned off. It's always been in the control of the OEMs PC makers.

    The standard is critically important, as companies have been struggling over their materials information. They really need a format. The standard will be very positive for component suppliers delivering the information and for the OEMs and contract manufacturers CM that are consuming the information.

    As a measure of our success toward achieving our goal of becoming the industry standard, we've set objectives over the coming two years to grow to 1 million subscribers from 440,000 at the end of fiscal 2005, ... A key enabling strategy for these objectives is to establish BIOS relationships with the top tier computer OEMs. We believe that our embedded BIOS relationship with IBM was a key factor in driving Q4-2005 sales contract growth, and is an indication of the future potential of this strategy. We are continuing to advance this strategy, and subsequent to year end we announced Gateway as the second OEM to begin embedding Absolute's software into their BIOS.

    Fiscal 2005 saw Absolute achieve significant milestones toward establishing our company as the standard for Computer Theft Recovery and Secure Asset Tracking. We reached an agreement with IBMLenovo to embed our software in the BIOS of all new ThinkPad laptops, we began enforcing our intellectual property resulting in several competitors choosing to either license our patents or resell our software, we announced an agreement with LoJack to brand our consumer offering under the well-known LoJack name, and we continued to expand our sales and marketing relationships with key OEMs.

    I am a hard-core believer that the clean desktop is the way to go... At the same time, we told OEMs that if they were going to put a bunch of icons on the desktop, then so were we.

    The rapid ramp up of available solutions from automotive OEMs original equipment manufacturers' is a stark contrast to the normal five-year product development cycle in the automotive industry. The variety of solutions reflects the swiftly changing landscape of the mobile audio market where branded audio solutions, surround sound and mobile device integration are driving market growth.

    Our plan revolves around creating a master brand that's highly targeted -- to eliminate brand fragmentation and establish affinity with the Intel brand. We use the end user campaign to create affinity with the brand, which convinces OEMs to go to market with our brand.

    The majors are all taking positions. You'll see announcements from all the major storage vendors in early 2006. By the end of 2006, there'll be firefights all over the place, because all of the major OEMs will be competing aggressively against each other for this business, because it's new, it's exciting, it's high value-add. There'll be quite a firestorm by the end of the year.

    That makes it cheaper and more compelling for OEMs original equipment manufacturers, a reference to computer makers to put Intel's in their PCs because the Celeron is competitively priced with AMD and Cyrix.

    We are thrilled to see our next-generation laser control solution passing a tough list of performance and acceptance criteria to qualify with the leading transceiver OEMs in the industry. Our fully embedded customized solution proves our claims of increased performance, reliability and adaptability to any TOSA type with significant reduction of production costs.

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