Quotes about ogden (7 Quotes)

    You look around at Ogden, and ... there is a renaissance here. And it's not just the leaders, but the people of Ogden are working to turn this place back to its glory days. Downtown, it just feels right.

    We scored that last field goal, and me and tackle Jonathan Ogden were kind of saying to ourselves, we need a touchdown. Sure enough, we got up, our only lead of the game, and that wasn't enough. Of course, that falls on us. We did some good things. Whatever we can grab from this loss, we'll take it and try to get better.

    I didn't know how big Willie was until I stood next to him. I'm 6-5, 320. Willie's a big man. His body ... he's big, he's a very big guy. He reminds me of a Lincoln Kennedy, (Jonathan) Ogden, a lot of those guys. Levi is more my size. They're doing a real good job.

    We primarily teach them about sales. What I try to get across to all the companies, whether it's Intel or Microsoft or a little company in Ogden, they don't know how to sell, but that's what we know how to do.

    I call it push and pester, or grab and clutch, ... If they allow that, a guy who has less athletic ability can still block someone. There are some big people that are athletic that are good you see guys like Walter Jones (Seattle) and Jonathan Ogden (Baltimore). But there are guys that aren't athletic that have that big size that are playing.

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