Quotes about olsen (14 Quotes)

    That's all you've been reading about Florida is the last team in the National League without a one-run victory. The way Olsen threw, you wanted to save that game for him. He deserved it, to get a win out of it. Thankfully, we were able to come in and hold that lead.

    I thought our defense was the key for us tonight. We talked about that before the game. We knew that was going to be the key for us. The last time we played them, (Kate) Norton and (Melissa) Olsen combined for 25 points.

    It was another tough game. At times it looked like a football game, with the big swings in momentum. Heather Olsen played with the flu and Liz Roberts had a sore hip, but they both gave 100 percent. And all the seniors provided leadership and gave their all.

    Olsen has done research in government housing programs for almost his entire career, for decades, and he probably knows more about government housing programs than any economist in the country.

    He struggled a little bit. He threw 72 or 73 pitches. He got his pitch count up. He got out of some tough situations. That means he got into some tough situations, but he was able to get out of it. The pitching here Olsen was great today. Ollie threw well, and he got better as the day went on.

    Convention Chairman Jeff Olsen said the American Legion has met twice before in Hawaii -- the last time was 1981 -- and has always enjoyed record attendance here. Hawaii is a place where many of our veterans served, ... Many of our Vietnam veterans came to Hawaii for RR during their term.

    We struggled in the middle of the park this was our main problem. This is why we needed to adjust the situation at halftime, to make sure that they're not going to have an advantage in the middle. I think Ben Olsen and Brian Carroll did a pretty good job. In the second half Clyde Simms came on and I think that was pretty significant and we got better and moved better going forward. We came a very long way to get these three points and we're happy with the win.

    The biggest honor is proving Andy Warhol wrong that we can get more than 15 minutes of fame. I am very grateful to Superman and Jimmy Olsen for my 50 years of being remembered.

    Olsen wants to learn. You get some guys who think they know it all. With some things you have to say, 'That's the way we do it around here.' He has a grasp of pitching. He has a pretty good concept for his age.

    American Pie' was a big movie for me. No one knew it at the time, but it allowed me to be offered such movies as 'Like Mike' and 'New York Minute' with the Olsen twins,

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