Quotes about one-shot (14 Quotes)

    There were a couple of one-shot deals in the PPI -- auto prices and tobacco prices. If you took those two items out, the core rate was up 0.1. That's the reason why the markets have come back a little. I've analyzed the numbers and realized that this is not inflation out of control.

    When the kids tell me they can play, I expect 100 percent from them, but at this time of the year, everybody's banged up a little here and there. The kids are going to go because they know this is a one-shot deal.

    This is a guy who has an amazing track record over a long period of time. He's not a one-shot wonder. If you can get Jobs on your team, and then make sure he has a stake in the company succeeding, that's a desirable thing.

    I don't want it to be 'Oh, that's the one-shot movie,' ... I don't want to show my directing. I want a great story. A great screenplay. I want it to be amazing. Then, when audience members go see it, they're really entertained and hypnotized for an hour-and-a-half. They come out and their friends say, 'Did you realize the camera never cut back-and-forth'

    I don't believe athletes should be role models.... We're a one-shot deal, one in a million, so we should be the least likely role models.... I think one of the problems in society today is that we don't stress education enough, because we glorify athletes, actors and actresses.

    It is a one-shot game, one-shot deal. Sometimes the best' teams don't always advance on in the NCAA tournament. That's why there are so many ups and downs, and that's why there are upsets, because there is one game. One game, you don't play well that particular night, you are going to go home.

    These are definitely not worth it if you already have life insurance. Flight and accident insurance are one-shot deals. If that flight doesn't fall out of the sky, the policy is over. It's much more effective to buy a good policy that has annual terms, rather than per-flight terms.

    Of course whenever you make the playoffs it's an exciting time of year. All the past records go out the window, but at the same time it's a one-shot deal and you have to get it right the first time or else you have to go home for the summer. Every kids' dream is to make it to the state tournament. Our kids are no different from anybody else.

    I felt relaxed as it was early in the round and I thought in the conditions that if I could get it going, I would have a fair chance of catching up. I just didn't play well enough. Second is not that bad, but going out with a one-shot lead you always want to win. I've had a few second places now and I'd like to change it for a win, but it's only the first tournament of the year so I'll hopefully get plenty of chances.

    It's easier to fix the plays at the end because they are one-shot deals. What got us 13 down is a little bit harder to fix. I'd have disappointed if it went from 13 to 20. The fact that it went from 13 to two, that's a positive. But getting down 13 on your home court against a Rutgers team that we knew coming in was going to be hard to guard in the perimeter, I'm just really disappointed in the way we came out and played the game.

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