Quotes about originals (16 Quotes)

    There's no such thing as a copy anymore. Everything we do now is digitally created somewhere and sent to us, or we create it ourselves. All of our equipment now produces originals. We can take jobs that are very complicated and manufacture it all under one roof without having to send it out.

    So it just goes to show you that it was always the Hells Angels first. They were the originals and all other clubs try and imitate what the Hells Angels have already done.

    An original is a creation motivated by desire. Any reproduction of an originals motivated be necessity. It is marvelous that we are the only species that creates gratuitous forms. To create is divine, to reproduce is human.

    I rarely read any Latin, Greek, German, Italian, sometimes not a French book, in the original, which I can procure in a good version. I like to be beholden to the great metropolitan English speech, the sea which receives tributaries from every region under heaven. I should as soon think of swimming across Charles River when I wish to go to Boston, as of reading all my books in originals when I have them rendered for me in my mother tongue.

    No one is going to think going into this movie that they are going to come out loving Frankenstein, and not in a cheap of cheesy way at all - he's really an angry, vicious guy - a beast. But when you think of the originals, they were scary melodramas. The characters were so deep. I always felt as badly for Frankenstein as I did for his victims because, like Lenny in Steinbeck's 'Mice and Men,' he's a man-child. I've always found that fascinating.

    To some degree, yeah, because I have to play a certain number of originals that might be considered avant-garde material. I realize though, that only a few people in the audience actually know what that music is, or understand it.

    To reduce the difficulty for people, we are now attesting photocopies of such documents as a temporary arrangement so that they will get enough time to get the originals attested in India.

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