Quotes about ortiz (16 Quotes)

    There's probably 15 or 16 offensive categories, if you want to be a baseball junkie. I may have led in 10 or 12 of them. I think being a balanced player and saving a lot of runs on the defensive side was a major factor. Ortiz is an unbelievable offensive player.

    You watch Ortiz the last couple years -- there's not a more clutch player out there. I don't care who you're talking about. Of course, the guy behind him ain't bad either.

    They are a good hitting ball club over there. We had the lead in the seventh inning but Ortiz tied the game with a solo shot and then Manny got something he could drive and it got out of here.

    Debra Bowen, Deborah Ortiz and Jackie Speier will definitely harm their chances for statewide office if they overturn California voters on something as sacred as marriage between a man and a woman,

    This team has done something the past two days that should go down in history as an incredible accomplishment. And what David Ortiz has done is miraculous. He's carried us on his shoulders.

    It is easy to second-guess me, but it was my call. I'd like someone to give me a guarantee that David Ortiz wouldn't have done that to Nate Robertson. We're talking about someone who is arguably one of the best players in baseball.

    I'm very happy to declare publicly what almost all of us in New England already know David Ortiz is the greatest clutch hitter to ever wear the uniform of the Boston Red Sox. I say 'almost' because beginning today' the debate will begin.

    It's pretty tough for the Dominican to put a team together because it's a third-world country, really poor, and sometimes it's pretty tough to even get David Ortiz or myself to represent in the Caribbean Series, which is a big deal. Sometimes you don't get permission from the organization. Our job is here in U.S.

    I think they were close. I think they were beating on our door, then Ortiz came close again. I didn't sense necessarily any tightness for them. We knew what was coming. We know they're a loose group. I didn't sense any panic on their part by any means. Wh

    Yeah, I know those numbers. I like to take the game situation into account, too. I wouldn't care if he (Ortiz) was 10-for-20 (against Rivera), I want my best guy in there.

    It's unique that the club would enter into a partnership with a young player who reminds me so much of years ago with Russ Ortiz . Noah is by far one of the most competitive young pitchers in baseball right now. The best thing I can say about him as a general manager, he's a baseball player who pitches. ... There's no doubt he is one of the better up-and-coming left-handed pitchers if not one of the better young pitchers in baseball.

    I would've done it again. It didn't cost us the pennant or the World Series, ... It wasn't quite the Pedro Martinez versus the Yankees in the postseason decision, but I thought Towers earned it. Ortiz took Ted Lilly, Scott Downs and a couple lefties deep a couple days before that, so it's not a guarantee.

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