Quotes about outperforming (15 Quotes)

    What Stansky has done by outperforming the SP 500 is shown that while asset size is a handicap for an actively managed fund, it's not devastating. You have to be flexible. And you have to adopt a large-cap, low-turnover strategy,

    Dell is outperforming us. We're doing better than Compaq, but we're hanging in there. We're trying to make sure in this business we're not losing a lot of money, ... It's not hurting us economically, it's not impacting our earnings per share, but we're not doing what Dell is doing in the industry.

    There are noticeable recoveries. Just in the health care sector, the DRG index is outperforming the overall market, and Pfizer is the largest component. Clearly, there's something favorable happening in that group, but it's not the only one.

    From the standpoint of earnings, (Disney is) clearly outperforming. The main place was in theme parks where clearly the 50th anniversary (of Disneyland), and the revenues and profits coming in from Asia made a difference in the quarter.

    Red chips and large industrial shares have been outperforming recently. They have been boring and undervalued, but international investors are beginning to pay attention.

    All of Florida is doing well. Its economy is outperforming the nation by the largest margin in recent memory. You'd be hard pressed to find a weak area anywhere in the state.

    We are growing our revenue, we are producing profits, we are outperforming our peers, ... We are taking share from land lines, and introducing new technology that will allow us to sell wireless DSL, mobile TV, games and music downloads.

    The weather is not a good excuse for not outperforming. One is always tempted to have their eyes glaze over when retailers talk about the weather but the (impact) is real.

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