Quotes about overload (16 Quotes)

    I am a dreamer of words, of written words. I think I am reading a word stops me. I leave the page. The syllables of the word begin to move around. Stressed accents begin to invert. The word abandons its meaning like an overload which is too heavy and pr.

    The net is a gift to humanity by humanity. But its power may overload and explode the very fiber that makes us human. The only way to prevent this is to maintain and strengthen our moral and spiritual filters, and most importantly those of our children...

    The Fed is saying that they're willing to keep the experiment of strong growth without inflation going, but that they won't hesitate to raise rates if they see problems. Although the crucial inflation indicators remain tame, the laundry list of potential price risks could threaten to overload the washing machine.

    Adding new software and more people to reduce the cost of collaboration is great -- as long as it doesn't create even more work. To really ease the work overload -- and, not coincidentally, make corporations more nimble -- it's also essential to identify and eliminate unnecessary interactions. Sometimes people need to remind themselves that there is an off switch -- and use it, ... Solitude is the scarce resource in business lives -- having that time when you are disconnected and realizing that everything will go along fine without you.

    It's not that big of a deal for us. We always played Woodland Hills anyway. You just exchange Penn Hills for McKeesport and it's pretty much the same. I'm just happy they didn't overload it with Central Catholic.

    If you're a mother of three and never wear makeup, I don't want to overload you with makeup where you feel like a tart. It's about knowing what's right through conversation.

    The shortcut to improved security is universal, repeatable monitoring, ... The Army is now trying Harris STAT. The big difference is that NASA picked the most critical vulnerabilities rather than looking at all 2,000. The latter always leads to overload and lack of action. NASA's approach works.

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