Quotes about overpower (15 Quotes)

    All I can tell you is he's still smart. He's still Maddux, he's still the same as when he was 20. He doesn't throw hard, he doesn't overpower hitters. He does what he's capable of doing, which is get ahead and go from there.

    Curtis came in with a Big 12 body. It's tough for people to overpower him. He's very good offensively, but we're really proud of the way he's progressed defensively.

    Human beings will continue to deceive and overpower one another. Basically, everyone exists in the very nature of suffering, so to abuse or mistreat each other is futile. The foundation of all spiritual practice is love. That you practice this well is my only request.

    I think he's showing everybody he still can do it. Everybody knows his age, but I don't think it means anything. All I can tell you is, he's still smart. He's as smart as when he was 20, and that's what it takes. He doesn't throw hard, he doesn't overpower hitters, he just does what he's capable of doing.

    This was the first time to face the Cubans since the Athens Olympics. They have those intimidating hitters but I wasn't afraid of them and I wanted to overpower them with my fastball. That's how I came to this game and that's how I pitched in the first four innings.

    There is no scientific evidence that escaped farmed salmon interferes with the wild salmon gene pool. Wild salmon have been breeding for thousands of years and have survived. Farmed salmon have been bred for 30 years and it is unlikely that they are going to overpower the wild salmon gene pool. We are not in business to let salmon escape our business depends on keeping them in the cages. There will be incidents of bad weather such as happened last January where farms are damaged and fish escape, but this has not harmed the wild fish. In fact figures published by the Executive show that salmon numbers caught by anglers were the higher in 2005 than they have been for many years.

    He looked real good. He had a great command of his pitches and batters leaning and off stride. That is the kind of pitcher he is. He is not going to overpower any hitters. He is more of a finesse kind of pitcher.

    I knew I had to be consistent against her. That's her biggest strength, being consistent. She's not going to overpower me on the court. She's just going to try to make me hit another ball. I thought I did that really well. I took my opportunities, took my chances, and that was important.

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