Quotes about overreached (8 Quotes)

    He probably overreached a bit in his attempts to get vouchers through here. It's a shame that we had to go to a six-and-a-half year court fight and now another fight in the Legislature in order to affirm the importance of public schools.

    The president's speech tonight used lofty, yet recycled, rhetoric to paint a picture of a country that has prospered and become stronger in this new century. Unfortunately, that's not the America his policies have created for too many families... A year ago, the president overreached by threatening to privatize and dismantle Social Security. This year, he reached for too little.

    What we are speaking to here is a case in which a court, I believe, far overreached the issues involved in a case and declared parenting unconstitutional.

    The European Commission overreached itself in the G.E.-Honeywell case. It pushed theories like the 'conglomerate effects' theory too far, and fitted the facts of the case to suit the theory.

    This proposal is a move in the right direction, but it has just overreached in some areas. In some areas it will just add cost, and not necessarily produce better companies.

    I've got a district right now shaped like Indonesia, ... It makes no sense at all except from the political perspective. I really think the Democratic Party in Georgia knows they overreached on these maps. What occurred is just a corrective measure to put communities back together again.

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