Quotes about overruled (10 Quotes)

    We had a play called, a run to the outside, but we knew that he wanted the fullback belly. We should have stayed with our original call in that situation but we went ahead with the fullback belly and we had not prepared for that against them. We flat out couldn't block all of their guys on the play. We should have overruled him on that one.

    We continue to believe that Roe was wrongly decided and should be overruled. .... The court's conclusions in Roe that there is a fundamental right to an abortion and that government has no compelling interest in protecting prenatal human life throughout pregnancy find no support in ... the Constitution.

    Whatever time that Kenny served, I hope that he's been able to address whatever issues he had with whomever he had, and use the time productively. I am surprised that the arbitrator overruled the commissioner's decision.

    It's just unimaginable that this could have happened, or this did happen, in the U. S. where baseball is very famous and popular. And it's a pity that it was overruled.

    Though the Supreme Court had declined to admit my petition, it had stated, 'it is not the considered opinion against any particular community,' thus though the remarks were not expunged, they have been overruled by a Higher Court.

    I can no longer serve as staff when scientific and clinical evidence, fully evaluated and recommended for approval by the professional staff here, has been overruled.

    Today's market action is driven by the slower GDP growth rate. Despite oil being higher, I think the GDP kind of overruled everything and just makes the market feel better about what the Fed is going to do, or rather not do.

    It's unfortunate the play was overruled. It's just unimaginable this could have happened, this did happen, in the United States, where baseball is very famous and very popular.

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