Quotes about overshadowing (15 Quotes)

    Overshadowing all has been the president's reckless, tawdry behavior, coupled with misleading statements that have undermined the dignity of the presidency, and brought about a divisive and unpleasant chapter in our history,

    Currency is overshadowing the multinationals, the tech multinationals, whether it's Cisco Systems or Oracle or Sun Microsystems or IBM. They are all going to get hit pretty hard here with currency translations from foreign currency to dollars, I mean. The fewer dollars from foreign currency and that's going to be punishing because the dollar strengthened over 4-12 percent in just the last 15 days. That's unheard of. That's a record, almost. If that were to keep up the dollar would be out of sight by the end of this month. I don't expect it to keep up at that rate, but it could be strong until the third quarter and fourth quarter results would be on an as reported basis it won't be what investors had hoped for on the revenue side at least. EPS will be protected to some degree. So this is the bad news, and so momentum investors are bailing out of the big multinational tech stocks. And where are they going to go That's the key question,

    What we're seeing here is investors becoming increasingly nervous, awaiting the economic data tomorrow (Thursday). Profit warnings and future growth (concerns) are overshadowing the enthusiasm that we saw develop late yesterday -- it's a feeding process,

    It's not so much the revision...as much as it is I think the markets are anticipating a revision for the next figure. In other words, you'll see this 193,000 probably revised up. That's basically overshadowing the headline number.

    I don't know about overshadowing. She just has raised the bar for women's golf and she's made it a better sport right now. She's brought the more physical aspects into the game, being longer and stronger. The main thing is she is just stronger and can hit it further than anybody out here right now and that is a huge advantage. She has just raised it for so many players.

    I really didn't see it as overshadowing me, ... He's been in the league so long. He's earned his stripes. I was a young cat coming up, doing the things I had to do to earn my stripes. I made my plays. As the years moved on, I earned my stripes. The fans knew who I was when I stepped on the field. When you play next to Ray, you have to do a lot of things to get noticed.

    The challenge for Bush (and his Indian hosts) will be to prevent possible disappointments over nuclear matters from overshadowing the positives during the visit.

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