Quotes about overuse (15 Quotes)

    It was definitely one of our primary communication devices after the hurricane. Many people had no Internet or electricity but had their cell phone or landline working. We would not just use it for anything. It's for emergencies and after emergencies. So please do not disregard it we do not overuse the system.

    Today, through the overuse of antibiotics, many of our most deadly diseases are showing significant resistance to our best line of defense antibiotics. It's critical that we find new ways to combat these diseases and ensure that doctors and patients are aware of the impact of over-prescribing on increasing antimicrobial resistance.

    McCarthy seems to be the key right now. This kid is doing a tremendous job out of the bullpen. I thought about keeping him in. The way he's throwing the ball, I thought about it. Right now I have my closer. I'm not going to overuse McCarthy for no reason.

    Obviously, every time we have a lead in the ninth inning I want to be in there. I think they are trying to help me, not overuse me. I think they're doing the right thing, trying to take care of me, trying to protect me.

    Dustin is not 100 percent, so we are going to have to pick our spots when we use him and not overuse him so he's not available in May. I would not call it an injury, but it's just one of those things that nags him on occasion. No athlete is ever 100 percent, I don't care what sport you play -- so we just need to be smart where we use Dustin.

    They have a very low metabolism. I don't believe you could sedate them. Besides, you don't really want to sedate them because it's not going to be a good show gator if he's just lying there half-dead. You want the most active gator possible. You try not to overuse him, so he doesn't lame out on you.

    Of course, any product can be overused ... so people should listen to their own bodies and adjust their routine if necessary. But I would caution against confusing rare examples of overuse with the typical experience.

    He did well, actually better than I thought he would. We did not want him to go the whole practice because we didn't want him to get in an overuse situation where he might fatigue that particular injury and have additional problems.

    They often venture out, go farther than the closest available food resources. But it's a concern that the closest food source won't be available to them this year. They have energy budgets that they don't want to overuse, and if the closest source is in bad shape, they'll have to travel farther to find food.

    The one thing we want to do is not rely on the one guy, only because you don't want to overuse somebody. If you have a couple of guys who can do the job and have them understand what we're going do, I think we can keep everybody strong.

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