Quotes about pacify (12 Quotes)

    In 1960, to pacify proponents of a Medicare system, Mills and Sen. Robert Kerr, D-Okla., had ushered through Congress the so-called Kerr-Mills bill to help low-income seniors with health care costs. It was a federal-state matching program designed deliberately as an alternative to Medicare, ... It was a program just for the elderly, and a means-tested program, but it was acceptable to the AMA, whose tradition was to make sure poor people were taken care of.

    The explosion of interest in cricket has been such that British soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq have been watching the matches, and florists have reported a rise in flower sales as guilty husbands, who spent all day watching the games, attempted to pacify their wives. It's the best thing that's happened for many years, ... When English sport is good, the country feels good.

    They're finally going in and trying to pacify these parts of Iraq that were left lawless and left in the hands of the opposition figures for twelve months. This was an enormous mistake.

    Managers at the Colville National Forest seem more interested in selling trees than managing the forest.Managers of every national forest are mandated to perform an ecosystem inventory every 10 years to document the number and type of trees in their forests. It's an involved procedure that's planned and budgeted for years in advance. And without it, managers can't be sure that they're correctly managing their forests. But Cynthia Reichelt, who has worked for the Forest Service for 20 years, says she's never seen an inventory like the one underway now in the Colville National Forest in Eastern Washington. Reichelt admits that inventorying at the Colville forest was never the best, but this time, forest officials tried to skip it all together, she says. Reichelt says that her supervisors wanted to use the money for planning timber sales instead. When the Spokane Public Lands Council discovered what was going on and filed an injunction, Reichelt says forest managers directed employees to inventory the entire forest in just one year half the time it would normally take so that the work wouldn't conflict with an upcoming timber sale. They're rushing through it, taking fragmented aerial inventories, classifying stands of trees on economic status and using some strange voodoo to determine old-growth stands, Reichelt says. This isn't an ecosystem inventory, this is an attempt to pacify the public. Under federal whistleblower protections Reichelt has been reassigned to the newly organized Information Resources Management unit of the Office of the CIO.

    Caring for others is accomplished by a dazzling array of skills in an endless variety of circumstances. As well as cooking, shopping, cleaning, laundering, planting, tending, harvesting for others, women comfort and guide, nurse and teach, arrange and advise, discipline and encourage, fight for and pacify. Taxing and exhausting under any circumstances, this service work, this emotional housework, is done both outside and inside the home.

    It's a slight concession by the administration to acknowledge that they heard our cries. It's not really going to pacify the people who are really angry, but it's a step in the right direction.

    A true philosopher can no more pass by the open door of a free discussion than an alcoholic can pass by the open door of a saloon. Since my hosts have been kind enough to invite me to say what I think, the highest compliment I can pay to their tolerance and liberality will be to do just that. This is not going to be a debate. I would be the most unteachable of mortals if at this stage of life I still believed that one could get anywhere arguing with a dialectician. One might as well attempt to pacify or intimidate a walrus by tossing sardines at him as to bait a philosopher with arguments. I have accepted your kind invitation because I think the subject is worth discussing.

    We vocalize continually in a way that helps babies begin to learn language by the end of the first year. I wanted to find out why we are the only animals that talk, and this need to pacify our babies as humans evolved may be the reason.

    We are not going to do a pell-mell rush into the city. It's going to be deliberate, it will be precise and it will be overwhelming. We will not rush in to make things worse. We will plan our way through this and we will reestablish control of that city and we will pacify that city.

    GILDA RADNER ON DOCTORS Doctors are whippersnappers in ironed white coats Who spy up your rectums and look down your throats And press you and poke you with sterilized tools And stab at solutions that pacify fools. I used to revere them and do what they said Till I learned what they learned on was already dead.

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