Quotes about painstakingly (10 Quotes)

    In the last two years, the government has painstakingly climbed ladders, gotten different people along the way to plead guilty in order to go after someone at the higher rung. We're now at the top of the ladder.

    He knows the secrets of the sea, of the woods and of the vineyard. They are simple and natural worlds, beautiful and varied. He prefers them to the concrete and hard worlds built by other men. Ideas blossom very quickly, and then they are very painstakingly realized and evolved. His many harvests of thought go on and on, and the origins emanate from things as simple as a golden bluebell. Like a positive parent he gives love at the moment of creation, bowing to the beautiful things that he originates.

    This sorting process is now painstakingly done by hand. A technician finds the cell of interest under a microscope and literally cuts out the piece of glass where the cell is located, taking care not to harm the sample.

    The cast, headed by Raul Julia as Proteus, was painstakingly multiracial. The idea was to have someone to represent every neighborhood in New York, ... great separatism ... we wanted to have the spirit of the city where we all have to live together.

    Exhort all your household often that all those who serve you shall know to serve God and you, faithfully and painstakingly, and for the will of God to prefer in all things to do your will and pleasure in all things that are not against God.

    This is the first music discovery service that is all about the music. The Music Genome Project doesn't compare your preferences or shopping habits with those of others. It doesn't care whether the artists you like (or it suggests) are already popular or just starting out. It levels the playing field by relying exclusively on the unique musical quality of each song. By painstakingly analyzing each song across 400 musical traits, we've made it easy for music lovers to discover new songs and artists.

    What is broken about the way we are handling matters involving subpoenas to the media We rarely issue subpoenas to the media seeking information about confidential sources. And when we do, it is only after painstakingly careful review and meticulous adherence to our internal guidelines.

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