Quotes about pandemonium (9 Quotes)

    We practice that situation, but it's so hard to (simulate) the pandemonium on the sideline and the crowd. But we have some positives to take away from all of this.

    I understand about not saying 'bomb' so as not to create pandemonium. But they should have evacuated everybody (sooner) by saying something like there was a police emergency.

    We were near pandemonium conditions in the spring and summer when we realized that, yes, we were running out of corn at the time. (But) now, we're seeing a 180-degree turn from that.

    It's not really science-fiction, ... It's the world 30 years from now, a time in which for 18 years no human child has been born, for unknown reasons. Civilizations are falling apart. England is the last remaining civilization as we know it, because it's an island that's insulated itself from Europe, which is in civil wars and complete pandemonium. So the story takes place in that context. It's a story about hope and faith.

    It was just mass pandemonium on the field that night. My kids were younger then, and I think from that point on the only thing they ever did when they went to a game was plan how they were going to storm the field if Virginia won, because they all got on television.

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