Quotes about parading (10 Quotes)

    What's nice about my dating life is that I don't have to leave my house. All I have to do is read the paper I'm marrying Richard Gere, dating Daniel Day-Lewis, parading around with John F. Kennedy, Jr., and even Robert De Niro was in there for a day.

    I'm sickened by all religions. Religion has divided people. I don't think there's any difference between the pope wearing a large hat and parading around with a smoking purse and an African painting his face white and praying to a rock.

    He knew I was about to stop him. This time I will finish him early, ... I got tired of him parading around like he was the future of the division. Come Oct. 15 I will stop him in his tracks. He may never fight again.

    I walk the straight lines. I walk through the summer nights. I walk the silver rope of dreams. I walk through dawns of dawns. Theres not a lot that isnt dying. I see people parading in front of each other like insects in a killing jar, watching each other die. I walk the straight lines throught the Christ machines. Through the eyes of throwaway people. Through the wards and the shores and the cracks in the skulls of the sidewalks. Through loves howling vacancy. I am the freedom soil. I dig my own grave. I resurrect myself every night. I am all things to myself. I walk the straight lines. I walk the spiderss jailhouse. I walk the think line, the thin line, the white line and all the line in between. I wish I could trade in my eyes.

    The entrance into Jerusalem has all the elements of the theatre of the absurd: the poor king; truth comes riding on a donkey; symbolic actions - even parading without a permit!

    It's more than just a game. It's five days of events, some of which extend beyond the ballpark. People who can't get to the festivities will be able to actually see the players and their wives parading on a red carpet like they were arriving at the Oscars. We're going to showcase the city. We're going to decorate it in ways never seen before.

    They were so proud of their actions that they showed off their blood-splattered shoes they were wearing and treated his broken lifeless body as their trophy, parading friends through the woods to look at it. They listened as he cried out for help and begged him to stop.

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