Quotes about partitions (8 Quotes)

    In the forty years of the people's republic, some of the worst historical traits were preserved in our people. These included even the common characteristics developed in the economic reality of the time of partitions in the 17th and 18th centuries.

    The loft space doubles as his design studio. During the taping two women could be seen in the background diligently sewing. But he has no plans to put up partitions. Rather, in this day and age, he sees the two enterprises - design and television - working as one. Synergistically - I hate that word it's so 90's - but each of these projects feeds one another, ... I don't know how the clothes can exist without the show, and I don't know how the show can exist without the clothes.

    Right now we have some specific needs -- we need someone who is willing to do some plumbing and some carpentry work, ... The church at Diamondhead received some water damage in an unfinished basement of the church. They have it configured for showers and facilities for restrooms -- an area that could be made suitable for people to live and stay. Our game plan is to first make that a habitable place. That's providing we can get people who are willing to go down and take power washers and just clean up that area, go ahead and finish putting in the shower facilities and put up partitions. Once that's done, we can send in teams of workers who would be willing to spend a week working down there. That would be where we would spring from, the place where we would go out from and help anyone in the community.

    Most of our conflicts and difficulties come from trying to deal with the spiritual and practical aspects of our life separately instead of realizing them as parts of one whole. If our practical life is centered on our own interests, cluttered up by possessions, distracted by ambitions, passions, wants and worries, beset by a sense of our own rights and importance, or anxieties for our own future, or longings for our own success, we need not expect that our spiritual life will be a contrast to all this. The soul's house is not built on such a convenient plan there are few soundproof partitions in it. Only when the conviction not merely the idea that the demand of the Spirit, however inconvenient, rules the whole of it, will those objectionable noises die down which have a way of penetrating into the nicely furnished little oratory and drowning all the quieter voices by their din.

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