Quotes about pascagoula (10 Quotes)

    I think the kids are buying into what we are trying to do. They are going to come to the ballpark ready to play every night, and it doesn't matter whether it is a Pascagoula or a Gulfport.

    Obviously, we regret the base closure commission's decision about Pascagoula, but it's no surprise. As we said when Pascagoula was first put on the list, all the naval vessels at Pascagoula either have been or are scheduled for decommissioning, and it's hard for the defense department to keep a naval base that doesn't have any ships.

    Keith Powell and Chris Eger, Pascagoula animal control officers, waded toward their father-in-law's home, dragging a canoe with two shotguns (for killing snakes and possibly alligators) and a cold, wet dog. He was perched in a tree, halfway in the water, ... He was struggling to hold on when we found him.

    When we first came to Pascagoula, we saw him quite a lot. He came in here a lot and we always thought he was quite a gentleman and very nice, very pleasant. My son rented furniture from him and he was very nice to him. We always felt he was a kind person and very good to do business with.

    All that David Brooks has left is his truck. His house, on Beach Boulevard, Pascagoula, separated from the sea only by the road itself, has disappeared. Only the green steps up to his porch remain, and an enormous quagmire of splintered wood, plus a toilet seat. Where his bedroom once stood, three Christmas tree baubles gleam amongst the sludge, golden and unscathed -- a bizarre scene. They're from a friend's house, ... Three streets away.

    Pascagoula came out and played inspired. They were aggressive and had a good game plan. Give them credit. We were tight, but I'm proud of them for taking care of business in the second half.

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