Quotes about passports (15 Quotes)

    We will be taking the matter to the African Commission, ... We are in the process of preparing heads of argument. Our greatest concern is that the constitutional amendment takes away the duties of the courts, violates property rights and empowers the government to take away passports.

    RFID in passports is a terrible idea, period, ... But on top of that, the State Department is acting without the appropriate authority and without conducting any form of credible cost-benefit analysis. It's asking Americans to sacrifice their safety and privacy 'up front' for a dangerous experiment that it hasn't even bothered to justify.

    The big issues obviously on the table will be border issues. Mexico and Canada are concerned about some of the steps the United States is taking in terms of the identity card and requiring U.S. citizens to have passports now when they travel into Canada and come back.

    Consular cards were not designed to be identification and no treaty recognizes them as such. Legal travelers, visitors and long-term residents carried passports, visas or green cards for that purpose.

    However, we still have the problem of free travel and movement, since the Travel Documents issued by UNMIK as the substitute to passports, are not fully recognized yet by all countries.

    In Russia we had to have special visas in our passports, and when we had to show our passports at the Kremlin gates, we realized that, Oh my God, we're actually playing in THE Kremlin!

    That means international cooperation to resolve problems without passports, that no one country or one group of countries can solve on their own -- human rights, terrorism, climate change.

    A lot of my friends are foreigners. The public doesn't like the plan to give 4 million foreigners German passports. They believe that will hinder the efforts to integrate the foreigners.

    Many of our clients both in rural areas and inner cities either don't have or don't have access to a birth certificate. And most certainly, very few of our clients have passports to establish their citizenship status, as has been suggested for use as documentation by proponents of this policy.

    They had gone to get their passports. In all probability, I would have had the house to myself, because if he got over there, he was going to stay there and enjoy that. He did like entertaining. Entertainers get it in their minds, 'I'm a star. I'm a celebrity. Look at me.' He had the same attitude. It is an experience to think that you came from nothing to where you got millions of people that know who you are.

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