Quotes about pathogens (12 Quotes)

    Just as DNA chips revolutionized genome analysis, we hope to make cell chips (self-assembled arrays of cells on a thumbnail-sized chip) using our DNA-based cell adhesion strategy. Cell chips could be used as biosensors for detecting the presence of pathogens, or for drug screening, just to name of a few of the many possibilities.

    It's crucial to identify the reservoirs of these emerging pathogens so that we can understand how they emerged, and predict and prevent future outbreaks. Civets were originally thought to be the origin of SARS but most researchers realized that the true wildlife reservoir remained a mystery. Our role was to visit the outbreak site and other areas in China and search for this reservoir. We targeted bats because they are the source of other lethal pathogens that have recently emerged, and are part of the wildlife trade throughout Asia.

    We most likely will get it from an animal and it will probably be the result of changes in human ecology --humans moving into new areas of the world and coming in contact with unknown pathogens.

    Effective prophylaxis and treatment for infections caused by biological threat agents (BTA) rely upon early diagnosis and rapid initiation of therapy. However, most methods for identifying pathogens or infectious agents in body fluids and tissues required that the pathogen proliferate to detectable and dangerous levels, thereby delaying diagnosis and treatment.

    Their purpose in life is to capture the enemy, bring it to the lymph node -- the command center -- and present it to the general, the T cell, to activate a battle plan. It's a very efficient system that has allowed us to survive many insults, pathogens and viruses.

    We still believe that dairy products sold should be pasteurized. We believe that to be the safest way to go. However, if the General Assembly seeks to add an exemption, we believe that, number one, the farm should be inspected for safety and cleanliness, and two, the product should be tested to ensure that it is free of pathogens.

    Wildlife populations can act as buffers against the spread of disease as well as sources for its emergence. Through providing a better understanding of how pathogens move among species, the field of Conservation Medicine gives us the tools we need to maintain healthy ecosystems that protect people and wildlife.

    Today, there are not drug or vaccine treatments for a majority of those treatments. In the absence of treatments, our technology's positioned to be the first line of defense as a counter measure against those pathogens.

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