Quotes about pavel (16 Quotes)

    He's really just coming into the prime of his career. I'd like to think his confidence level, and with the way they're going to call the game, which is going to be an advantage to a skill player ... he's a great addition. A great addition. I think for us, Pavel can make a play or do something that can create a scoring chance in a few moments.

    We're obviously very happy that we got Pavel back. He's a talented young player that had a very good year for us two years ago, and we're hoping for more of the same. With the new rules, I think skilled players like Pavel are really going to be helped.

    Pavel signed a contract with Omsk, ... and then another team, Moscow Dynamo, matched it. His agent has told me ... there's no out clause in the contract. Obviously, it's a matter now of Pavel negotiating ... to see if there's a way that he can get out.

    It's definitely disappointing, but as teammates, we'd like to think the door's not closed on Pavel coming back. I think the expectations remain high. This team has a lot of depth. We'd all rather have Pavel, but when you compare us to other teams in the West, there's no reason for us to use that as a crutch.

    I've been here six years and Roberto and I are the only two guys left. Scott Mellanby, Pavel Bure, older guys were here then. All gone. We're the older guys now. It's been a little tough. That's a lot of change over the years.

    Obviously, the sooner the better. But if it means we have to wait to get Pavel in our lineup I'll wait. At this stage of the game I don't think it's going to have any impact as to our eventual roster. We're not going to be able to go out and find a player that's close to Pavel. If you look at the open market, there's lots of players out there that we think could be third- or fourth-line players in the NHL. But he's (Datsyuk) a top six forward.

    I stayed in touch for two reasons. If we didn't have Pavel, I wanted to make sure we had open communication for next year to get him back then. At the same time, I was also told by Gary that even though Pavel had signed a contract in Russia, his first desire was to be in Detroit. They were never saying it's a done deal.

    Pavel and Hank are two young players who are very, very important to our franchise. In Hank's case, he's really coming into the prime of his career. I'm happy he made a long-term commitment basically we bought ourselves one year of unrestricted free agency.

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