Quotes about peaked (16 Quotes)

    We are cautiously optimistic that at least in some parts of the country, influenza may have peaked. But there's still plenty of flu out there, and we're still encouraging people with flu-like illness who meet the criteria for concerns or complications to be sure and seek medical attention if they do develop the illness.

    There is now an opportunity for the Bank of England to leave interest rates on hold, indicating that they have peaked and encouraging a decline in the exchange rate. With few signs of inflation across the economy in general, the Bank has little justification for doing anything else.

    We just peaked at the right time. There were five really good teams. I'm just ecstatic for my boys. (Riverton coach) Steve Galley did a tremendous job that was a great high school basketball game.

    Expectations of further Fed rate increases haven't peaked yet, while rate hikes by the Bank of Japan are a long way off. Along with Japanese investors continuing enthusiasm for overseas assets, that will likely push up the dollar in coming weeks.

    It's quite highly possible that I have peaked. I mean, I just can't imagine what else I could do beyond this. It's really a bittersweet kind of feeling.

    We've been trying to take advantage of our height all year. Also, we haven't peaked yet, even though we are 19-6. I just feel like we haven't played up to our ability.

    On balance, headline inflation has likely peaked, but the core rate is at the top end of the Fed's comfort zone, which will keep chairman Allan Greenspan's foot firmly on the brakes,

    We are playing good tennis right now. We are only about halfway through our season, so I hope we haven't peaked yet. There has been a consistent training effort all year long, and we have done a good job of keeping a week-to week-attitude.

    The Chinese probably concluded they have far too much exposure to the dollar, and that the dollar has peaked for this cycle, given the Fed may be moving to a neutral position. Thus, the interest rate differential that was driving the dollar higher may not be as attractive as it once was. The risk is now the dollar may begin to depreciate. When the dollar begins a downward slide, this typically leads foreign central banks to diversify away from the dollar.

    While it is clearly premature to sound the all-clear on inflation, the October consumer prices data are largely reassuring for the Bank of England and boost hopes that inflation has peaked,

    We're starting to peak at the right time. We peaked last year in the last month of the season. We've played our best baseball these last two weekends. If we can continue to improve then we've got a shot to play for something special here at the end.

    Logan's used to pressure. He won the junior amateur (last summer) in a playoff, ... He holds up well. He just peaked at the right time. He knows how to control his emotions.

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